Oil Affirmation Deck
55 Card deck pairing single essential oils with affirmations. Includes a 2 part box and guide book. Guide booklet is a deeper dive into each card sharing the emotional and energetic properites of the oil, associated chakras and a longer set of affirmations. Luxurious soft touch finish on each card.
You do not need to have all the essential oils to enjoy this deck. We have even heard from customers who purchased the deck and love the art and messages and don.t use essential oils at all.
55 Card deck pairing single essential oils with affirmations. Includes a 2 part box and guide book. Guide booklet is a deeper dive into each card sharing the emotional and energetic properites of the oil, associated chakras and a longer set of affirmations. Luxurious soft touch finish on each card.
You do not need to have all the essential oils to enjoy this deck. We have even heard from customers who purchased the deck and love the art and messages and don.t use essential oils at all.
55 Card deck pairing single essential oils with affirmations. Includes a 2 part box and guide book. Guide booklet is a deeper dive into each card sharing the emotional and energetic properites of the oil, associated chakras and a longer set of affirmations. Luxurious soft touch finish on each card.
You do not need to have all the essential oils to enjoy this deck. We have even heard from customers who purchased the deck and love the art and messages and don.t use essential oils at all.
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It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business.
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Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world.